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联系人:高爱兵 先生 (外贸经理)
电 话:053158897090
手 机:15689693073


Levobupivacaine HCL


    CAS: 27262-48-2

Standard: ≥99.0%

Appearance: White or off white crystalline powder

Usage: Anesthetic

Package: 5kg/10kg

Levobupivacaine is an amino-amide local anaesthetic drug belonging to the family of n-alkylsubstituted pipecoloxylidide. It is the S-enantiomer of bupivacaine. Levobupivacaine hydrochloride is commonly marketed by AstraZeneca under the trade name Chirocaine. Compared to bupivacaine, levobupivacaine is associated with less vasodilation and has a longer duration of action. It is approximately 13 per cent less potent (by molarity) than racemic bupivacaine.Levobupivacaine is indicated for local anaesthesia including infiltration, nerve block, ophthalmic, epidural and intrathecal anaesthesia in adults; and infiltration analgesia in children. Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are rare when it is administered correctly. Most ADRs relate to administration technique (resulting in systemic exposure) or pharmacological effects of anesthesia, however allergic reactions can rarely occur

高爱兵 先生 (外贸经理)  
电  话: 053158897090
传  真: 053158897032
移动电话: 15689693073
公司地址: 中国山东济南市济南市高新区开拓路2350号,诚创大厦
邮  编: 250101
公司主页: http://gaoaibing.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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济南诚汇双达化工有限公司 公司地址:中国山东济南市济南市高新区开拓路2350号,诚创大厦
高爱兵 先生 (外贸经理) 电话:053158897090 传真:053158897032
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